A psychological thriller, set in Spain and south-east Wales, on obsession and the far-reaching evils of perfectionism.
Tim is emasculated by a gang of bullies at the age of fifteen and devotes his life to revenge. He plans to build a machine which will kill each member of the gang one by one. Each death must be aesthetically beautiful, and so Tim apprentices himself to a brilliant craftsmen to acquire all the skills he needs. Then he begins to practice the perfect murder.
Jeremy Hughes was one of the first students to study for the Master’s in writing at Oxford University, from which he graduated with distinction. He was awarded first prize in the Poetry Wales competition and his poetry was shortlisted for an Eric Gregory Award.
He has published two pamphlets- Breathing For All My Birds (2000) and The Women Opposite (2004)- and has widely published poetry, short fiction and reviews in British and American periodicals.