Upstairs at the Chapel

Thursday 8th June 2023, 10am-4pm


Inspired by the Mappa Marches exhibition on show at the Chapel from 13 May-24 June, this workshop will begin with a dynamic large scale drawing session with ink and charcoal using imagery from video film and photos of local landscape. In the afternoon session, Adrienne will guide you to develop coloured monoprint images using rollers, brushes and printing ink on acrylic sheets which can be printed through the Chapel’s vintage etching press.

Adrienne Says – ‘ I find monoprinting a seductive process, that captures the energy of brushstrokes and mark making. It enables you to make ‘paintings’ reasonably swiftly, and mixing the coloured viscose inks on the plate is a satisfyingly child like indulgence. Who hasn’t taken pleasure in applying paint to a surface – as we did as school children when we folded paper in half and made ‘symmetrical’ butterfly images – to see what image will appear.’

£90 includes lunch, refreshments and all materials. Booking is essential as places are limited. Please contact either The Art Shop or Chapel.