The largest drawing project in Wales is taking place this summer and you can be a part of it.
It doesn’t matter if you think you can’t draw or even if you’ve never drawn before. We want everyone in Wales to take part. Artists all over Wales are leading workshops and events to help you draw and Allie Neal, ex head of Fine Art at the Hereford College of Arts, will be offering a range of workshops and events in South East Wales to give you the confidence to make your mark.
This project is not about being an artist. It’s about seeing what’s in front of us and recording the moment. We want you to take time out of your routine to have a good look at what surrounds you and celebrate everyday life, the heart of the Welsh community, in a drawing. Draw what you see, whether it’s the beautiful Welsh landscape or the washing up. Your drawings will combine with everyone else’s in an exhibition at the National Museum in Cardiff in October to describe Wales today. They’ll also be online together with all the other drawings created over the whole of Wales.
One of the first workshops in South East Wales will take place downstairs at the Chapel, Abergavenny. Allie will be there all morning, with drawing books and pencils, encouraging you to draw what you see in front of you, whether it’s your cup of coffee or someone sitting across the room. It may even be warm enough to draw outside in the Chapel Garden.
Come along and make your mark.
If you’re a member of an organization or group and would like to take part in a workshop or drawing session then please get in touch with Allie Neal at a.neal23@icloud.com Even if you’re not sure which end of the pencil to use, she can help you to make your mark on Wales.