“It is a great satisfaction to me to be able to mingle the work of less well-known artists such as Robert Dukes. Cherry Pickles and Ian and Jo Welsh, with ‘names’ like Craigie Aitchison, Gillian Ayres and Maggi Hambling. Not enough people know the elegiac work of Jeffery Camp, possibly the best-kept secret of the London Art world, while the very individual landscape visions of Julian Perry, George Rowlett and David Tress could only benefit from wider exposure.. .. Forgive me a moment’s pride in having gathered together in one place work of such outstanding quality” Andrew Lambirth: September 2006 (from his Introduction to The Catalogue)
We are very pleased to draw your attention to a rather exceptional ‘Mixed Show’, that has been selected and curated for us by Andrew Lambirth, author, historian and Art Critic for The Spectator.