What Artists Did When The World Went To Sleep | Gaeafgwyr: yr hyn a wnaeth artistiaid pan aeth y byd i gysgu…
In the spirit of friendship and collaboration the Hibernation Project started life as cultural exchange between the twinned towns of Abergavenny and Östringen (as part of Wales in Germany 2021). With ongoing Covid-19 uncertainties forcing the postponement of the twinning aspect, the exhibition now proudly celebrates the breadth and quality of contemporary art made in and around the town of Abergavenny.
The Hibernation Project is inspired by the time when the world when to sleep. The Covid pandemic starved both artists of the opportunity to exhibit their work and the public of opportunities to visit exhibitions. This exhibition aims to satisfy both groups, by firstly bringing together and supporting a cohort of contemporary artists from Abergavenny and its rural hinterland, and then by curating an exhibition of their work made during this period or inspired by it. This includes Photography, Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Video, Ceramics and mixed media.
The period of Hibernation has taught many of us how the diverse areas of art and horticulture have helped improve our mental health. To reflect this and to acknowledge their important work the Hibernation Project has collaborated on a series of artist led workshops with Abergavenny based Papillon Art Group and Growing Space. Both of these groups provide valuable support for adults with mental health issues. Examples of work made during these workshops can be seen in the Red Square Community Window, Abergavenny for the duration of the Hibernators exhibition.
Hibernators is an important exhibition for all those involved, we hope it resonates as much with those who visit the exhibition as it does with us.
David Morgan-Davies, The Hibernation Project | Y Prosiect Gaeafgwsg
Please enquire if you would like to see more work from an individual artist.
DAVID MORGAN-DAVIES – Whilst we dealt with the impact of Covid19, nature did its best to help us slow down and deal with the world we found ourselves in. | Wrth i ni ymdrin ag effaith Covid19, gwnaeth byd natur ei gorau i’n helpu i arafu a delio â’r byd y cawsom ein hunain ynddo.
CATHERINE WYNNE-PATON – The intention with these works is to paint the resonance of the word. These paintings on display span from 2019 through the lockdowns to the end of 2021. | Y bwriad gyda’r gweithiau hyn yw peintio cyseiniant y gair. Mae’r paentiadau hyn a arddangosir yn ymestyn o 2019 trwy’r cloeon tan ddiwedd 2021.
TORIL BRANCHER – My tending of the garden also offered a daily purpose, yet it was through pressing of flowers I found a new respect for seeds. | Roedd fy ngwyliadwriaeth o’r ardd hefyd yn cynnig pwrpas dyddiol, ac eto trwy wasgu blodau y cefais barch newydd at hadau.
RACHEL TUDOR BEST – I underwent a form of hibernation, not only on account of the seasons but also the emotional winter brought on by events I had feared but not taken on as a real possibility. | Cefais fath o gaeafgwsg, nid yn unig oherwydd y tymhorau ond hefyd y gaeaf emosiynol a ddaeth yn sgil digwyddiadau yr oeddwn wedi’u hofni ond nad oeddwn wedi’u cymryd fel posibilrwydd gwirioneddol.
LAUREN HECKLER – I want to hold on to the strangeness. Before it’s consumed into normality. A new normal. | Rwyf am ddal gafael ar y rhyfeddod. Cyn iddo gael ei sugno i normalrwydd. Normal newydd.
DANIEL WILLIAMS – While my practice is somewhat insular, an enforced ‘hibernation’ has ultimately led to the creation of a large body of works on paper, with a focus toward the economy and confidence in mark-making. | Er bod fy arfer braidd yn ynysig, mae ‘gaeafgwsg’ gorfodol wedi arwain yn y pen draw at greu corff mawr o weithiau ar bapur, gyda ffocws ar yr economi a hyder wrth wneud marciau.
CATHERINE BAKER – My daily walks, more than ever, became a time to give myself a break, to hold that moment, to immerse my senses. | Daeth fy nheithiau cerdded dyddiol, yn fwy nag erioed, yn amser i roi seibiant i mi fy hun, i ddal y foment honno, i drochi fy synhwyrau.
PENNY HALLAS – Reflections on inner and outer journeys. | Myfyrdodau ar deithiau mewnol ac allanol.
DAVID COLLYER – Covid-19 had a profound affect on many of us, but as someone who earns a living as an Anaesthetic Practitioner, and as a documentary photographer, it was perhaps more profound than for many. | Cafodd Covid-19 effaith ddofn ar lawer ohonom, ond fel rhywun sy’n ennill bywoliaeth fel Ymarferydd Anesthetig, ac fel ffotograffydd dogfennol, efallai ei fod yn ddyfnach nag i lawer.
ALLISON NEAL – The drawings exploring the Mari Lwyd tradition in the Hibernators exhibition grew out of my attempt to continue working during this difficult period. | Tyfodd y darluniau a oedd yn archwilio traddodiad y Fari Lwyd yn arddangosfa’r Gaeafgwsg o’r ymgais honno i barhau i weithio dan amodau anodd.
CLARE PARRY-JONES – As we emerge from hibernation, I have been drawn to create artworks celebrating new life. | Wrth inni ddod allan o’r gaeafgwsg, rwyf wedi cael fy nenu i greu gweithiau celf sy’n dathlu bywyd newydd.
JESSICA WOODROW – Perhaps the forced ‘hibernation’ sent my subconscious into overdrive because suddenly there was space for the forgotten past to inhabit. | Efallai bod y ‘gaeafgwsg’ gorfodol wedi anfon fy isymwybod i oryrru oherwydd yn sydyn roedd lle i’r gorffennol anghofiedig fyw ynddo.
BEN JONES – Classed as vulnerable I quite enjoyed the break from not seeing people, having to fall back on my imagination and resourcefulness. | Wedi’m dosbarthu fel person bregus, mwynheais yn fawr yr egwyl o beidio â gweld pobl, gorfod cwympo’n ôl ar fy nychymyg a’m dyfeisgarwch.
Arts Council of Wales Collectorplan scheme available. More information via the link below.