UPSTAIRS AT THE ART SHOP, CROSS STREET What Artists Did When The World Went To Sleep | Gaeafgwyr: yr hyn a wnaeth artistiaid pan aeth y byd i gysgu… In the spirit of friendship and collaboration the Hibernation Project started life as cultural exchange between the twinned towns of Abergavenny and Östringen (as part of Wales in Germany… Read more »
Artist: Catherine Wynne Paton
Track & Trace
Upstairs at The Art Shop Trace the threads of ideas developed through the isolation of lockdown between eight artists – drawings, photography, video, projection and mixed media by… ANNIE DRYSDALE . SUE EXTON . JOHN EXTON . CAROLINE HOLT WILSON . LIZ MORISON . ALLISON NEAL . FRANK OLDING . CATHERINE WYNNE PATON. ‘The group… Read more »