An exhibition of special ingredients – platters, plates, jugs and cups, with slips and glazes to enhance your food. Commissioned works – photography, etchings, lino/wood blocks, paintings & drawings by selected artists.
‘Dining is and always was a great artistic opportunity’ – Frank Lloyd Wright
Featuring work by photographer Toril Brancher – Associations – photographs of ceramics by Kaori Tatebayashi.
‘Kitchen Antics and Appliances’ invite you to be participants as they dish up their own particular brand of house keeping and attempt to unpick the meaning of life.
In celebration of The Abergavenny Food Festival The Art Shop is hosting a Spread of events by the artists Barbara Dean, Hilary Kneale and Ann Rapstoff, who have been researching their own domestic lineage through the museum collection at The Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA) London. During Spread, they will be delivering a feast of collected thoughts, happenings, questions, menus and objects for your delectation, inspiration and participation.
Tea, Sympathy and Conversations
The Mad Hatter finally meets Mrs Haversham in this quirky gallery setting. The tea table set with delicate and discordant china, wends its way through the rooms of the gallery while the artists offer you tea and sympathy
A Menu of Conversation
Come and take part in a menu of conversations with friends or strangers, about ideas and notions of home around our tea table. Murmur in the entrée, converse in the main course, savour the pudding and digest with the coffee or tea. Tea and home baked cake supplied
Instructions for Living. Labelling for Life
The artists have been investigating questions and instructions that surround us in the home and have come up with their own brand of labelling and instructions for life. If you would like to be labelled or have a fear of labelling or would like to change your label or if you are nearing your sell by date, or have lost the instructions, this may be the event for you.