At The Art Shop PAINTINGS, WORKS ON PAPER, PRINTMAKING, JEWELLERY, CERAMICS We have been preparing The Art Shop for the festive season. In spite of the restrictions, lockdowns, social distancing and all that has been thrown at us, we remain positive for the future. We hope our Winter show will lift your spirits, make you smile… Read more »
Upstairs at The Art Shop A diverse and dazzling variety of different print techniques on show by a selection of our gallery artists with a few new names – painters, illustrators and mixed media artists. From exquisite etchings to a linoblock that can be cut on the kitchen table… Painters paint directly onto a surface eg…. Read more »
Recent paintings and limited editions of handmade prints by artists who regularly exhibit at our gallery and introducing some new names. There is an overlap between painting and printmaking and the imagery of the work is very diverse – mythology, beasts and whimsical creatures, dreams, visions, metaphorical journeys and long remembered places, narratives…
Robert Macdonald, a painter and printmaker, has become known for his paintings of landscapes and farming life around his home in the Usk Valley near Brecon. Robert does not see himself first and foremost as a landscape painter, but much more persistent has been an urge to explore psychological aspects of painting and printmaking, to… Read more »